


  Any suggestions, petitions or recommendations to improve school administration are always welcome. However, the unit in charge of receiving feedback will instantly delete messages that contain personal, malicious attacks, or emotional criticism with no constructive purpose.

  The unit responsible for dealing with feedback assigns a staff member to review any messages received during office hours. This person then conveys the message to the related academic or administrative units. When the unit(s) in question reply to your feedback, a reply will automatically be sent to your email account. You can access this system at any time to check for pending queries. Simply enter your email address and case number, and proceed to fill in the online satisfaction survey. 

  Due to system limitations and data security considerations, this mailbox allows you to enter up to 200 words in the text input area and attach files less than 5M in size.

Office of the Secretariat Tel: 08-7663800 ext. 10214

Please fill in the form using your real name, your year of study (for students) and with as much honesty as possible. When giving feedback, please provide specific advice and information.