- The same account can only log in to the system once. If you have not used the system's "Logout" button to log out of the system, but directly shut down the browser, please wait a few minutes before logging in to the system.
- The account that the student logs in is the "Student ID" password preset to "Identity Card Number", the English number of the ID card number is capitalized, please change the password after login.
- If you forget to log in, please use the [Forgot Password] function, the system will send a password to Pingtung University's Internet Post Office (WebMail) in the mailbox.
- 《尊重保護智慧財產權、利人又利已》不盜版、不盜印 不抄襲、不使用非法軟體。
學生選課操作說明 |
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System developed and maintained by Computer and Network Center